Lung Cancer News Update

Non-smoking Asian women have higher rates of lung cancer than other non-smokers“Lung cancer rates are in decline across almost group, except non-smoking Asian American women, whose rates are increasing by 2% every year, a California study found. While 20% of all lung...

My Choices News Update

Revolutionary Study Unveils Exercise as a Key to Unlocking Better Sleep for All Ages“In the hustle of our daily lives, where the glow of screens often replaces the setting sun, a groundbreaking study from the University of South Australia offers a beacon of hope. It...

Lung Cancer News Update

Study highlights disparities in lung cancer treatment access across Europe“There are stark differences between European countries when it comes to both the reimbursement of, and access to, new treatments for patients with early-stage lung cancer. There are also...

My Choices News Update

Understanding and Reducing Your Cancer Risk: Insights from Dr. Jon Ebbert“February marks National Cancer Prevention Month, a time when we turn our collective focus towards the prevention strategies that can help us reduce the risk of cancer. A leading voice in this...

Lung Cancer News Update

How thawing Arctic permafrost could cause lung cancer“Among the cataclysmic effects of global warming, not many of us have considered a potential rise in cancer cases. And yet, thawing permafrost in the Arctic could provoke just that. The layer, which keeps the ground...