My Choices News Update

Is Canned Fruit Healthy? Here’s What Dietitians Say“Ever wondered if reaching for that can of peaches or pineapple is a good choice for your health? In this deep dive, we’ll talk about the health benefits of canned fruit, debunk common misconceptions and...

Lung Cancer News Update

Reducing Radon Decreases Exposure To Lung Cancer “LINCOLN – More than 21,000 lung cancer deaths a year are from exposure to radon gas, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Nebraska is third in the nation with the potential for high radon levels behind Iowa...

My Choices News Update

Cancer mortality rates decline, health disparities persist“While cancer mortality rates declined in the U.S. between 2000 and 2020, racial and ethnic disparities persisted for many cancers, a study published January 12 in JAMA Health Forum found.” Study explores...

Lung Cancer News Update

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Florez Laboratory Set to Launch Innovative Pregnancy and Lung Cancer Registry“Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death for women in the United States, and the rates of lung cancer in young women under the age of 50...

My Choices News Update

Behind the Counter: Unveiling the Multifaceted Role of Pharmacists“For so many years, the professional behind the counter at your typical pharmacy was often perceived as a dispenser of medications and not much more. The last decade, however, has seen a significant...

Lung Cancer News Update

Liquid Biopsy May Guide Treatment and Improve Outcomes in Lung Cancer, New Study Shows “While tissue biopsy is currently recommended as the gold standard for determining mutations in Non-small cell lung cancer, its success is not guaranteed, prompting the...