Medical Writers’ Circle

The Caring Ambassadors Lung Cancer Writers’ Circle provides information to help you and your loved ones make informed decisions about your health and are written by experts in the field of lung cancer from throughout the Country.

The Caring Ambassadors Lung Cancer Program provides the Caring Ambassadors Lung Cancer Medical Writers’ Circle to the lung cancer community as a primary means of fulfilling our mission of enhancing the information available to people affected by lung cancer.


Blood-based biomarker testing aid in the early diagnosis of lung cancer
James Jett, MD & Steven Springmeyer, MD, FCCP

Caring for One’s Self During the COVID-19 Crisis
Susan Hedlund, LCSW, OSW-c, FAOSW

Previous Articles

Use of cannabinoids in cancer care: palliative care
S.K. Aggarwal, MD PhD

Lung Cancer and Social Security Disability Benefits
Social Security Disability Help

Breathing_Strong Muscles Can Decrease Shortness of Breath
Donna Wilson, RN, MSN, RRT

Camp Kesem
Emma Patrick and Jessica Steinberg

Comparative Effectiveness in Lung Cancer Management Time for Change
Frederic W. Grannis Jr. M.D.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Focus on Chinese Traditional Medicine
Misha Ruth Cohen, OMD, L.Ac.

Detecting Lung Cancer with Chest Xrays
Dr.Charles White

The Diagnosis and Staging of Lung Cancer
Tze-Ming Chen, MD, George Horng, MD, Kevin Knopf, MD, Stephen Bunker, MD, Jacqueline Duffy, RN, and Peter Anastassiou, MD

Early Detection of Lung Cancer
William C. “Bud” Pierce, MD, PhD

EML4-ALK: Newly Discovered Mutation Brings New Insights and New Potential Treatment
Howard “Jack” West, MD

Emotional Effects of Lung Cancer on Survivors and Their Spouses
Cindy L. Carmack, Ph.D., Associate Professor, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

Epigenetic Therapy for Lung Cancer
John M. Wrangle MD, MPH

Facing Existential Issues Following a New Diagnosis of Lung Cancer
Rebecca Lehto, PhD, RN

How to Apply for Social Security Disability with Lung Cancer
Mollie Clarke, Writer for Social Security Disability Help.

It is Never Too Late to Quit Smoking – Lung Cancer Diagnosis Withstanding!
By Carol Southard, RN, MSN

Lung Cancer in Never-Smokers
Heather Wakelee, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Medical Oncology Stanford, University Stanford Cancer Center

Lung Cancer Workshop – Progress Toward Translation
Contributed by: Evi Bachrach Makovsky, Merel Grey Mountain, Kim Norris, Christie Pratt, Elda Railey and Deb Violette

The MAGRIT: (MAGE-A3 as Adjuvant Non-Small Cell LunG Cancer Immunotherapy)
Mathew Ninan, MD, FACS, FRCS(C/Th), FETCS, MSCI. Midsouth Regional Thoracic Center Memphis, Tennessee

Physical Activity and Lung Cancer Survivorship
Dr. Lee W. Jones is an Associate Professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology and Research Director of Cancer Survivorship at Duke University Medical Center.

Practical Implications Of The New Lung Cancer Staging System
Rodolfo E. Bordoni, MD

Smoking Cessation An Integral Part of Lung Cancer Treatment
Janine Cataldo, PhD, RN, as Assistant Professor, Department of Physiological Nursing at the University of California, San Francisco

Some observations and recommendations on the management of lung cancer patients with more than one tumor..
Frederic W. Grannis Jr. M.D., Clinical Professor of Thoracic Surgery, City of Hope National Medical Center

Stacked Stigma in the Lung Cancer Experience
Annemarie Conlon, MBA, LCSW

Tailoring Mindfulness-Based Therapies During Lung Cancer Treatment
Rebecca Lehto, PhD, RN

Targeting the Immune System to Treat Small Cell Lung Cancer
Alberto A. Chiappori, MD

The Truth About Lung Cancer, A Surgeon’s Perspective and Commentary
Jonathan Kiev, MD, Sibley Memorial Hospital, John Hopkins Medicine

Twice Betrayed Living with Lung Cancer and Dealing with Stigma
Susan Hedlund, MSW, LCSW

Light in the Darkness, The Role of the Patient Navigator
Brenda Wilcox, RN, BSN, OCN

Lung Cancer, Again
Janet Healy

The information provided in the Caring Ambassadors Lung Cancer Medical Writers Circle is not medical advice and is not intended to replace or supersede any information your doctor may have given you.

All health care decisions should be made with your doctor. No changes in your health care treatment, management, or medications should be undertaken without first discussing the safety and probable outcomes of such changes with your doctor.